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Colouring cards on the topic of engaged fatherhood

Colouring cards on the topic of engaged fatherhood
Colouring cards on the topic of engaged fatherhood


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UNFPA Belarus


Colouring cards on the topic of engaged fatherhood

Publication date

22 July 2022

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A pack of coloring cards for children. The pictures illustrate different joint leisure time activities for fathers and children. Coloring cards motivate dads and their kids to spend more time together, talk about relationships, and openly express their feelings.

Layouts are for print in size A4 and A5.

Language: Belarusian.

The materials are developed in the framework of the “EU 4 Gender Equality: Together against gender stereotypes and gender-based violence" programme, funded by the European Union, implemented jointly by UN Women and UNFPA. Their contents are the sole responsibility of UN Women and UNFPA and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.”