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Belarusian muay-thai fighters ‘We might be tough at the ring but would not accept violence against women!’

Belarusian muay-thai fighters ‘We might be tough at the ring but would not accept violence against women!’


Belarusian muay-thai fighters ‘We might be tough at the ring but would not accept violence against women!’

calendar_today 05 December 2015

The fighters of Belarusian muay-thai boxing club ‘Patriot’ supported international orange campaign against violence towards women and girls in Belarus.








Dmitri Piasecki, muay-thai world champion among professionals from the post-soviet countries, vice-president of the Belarusian federation of kickboxing and muay-thai, founder and main couch of Patriot club:

‘Each act of violence brings more violence’- explains his position Dmitri Piasecki, - offence, sorrow, misery and pain are left afterwards. It is nothing but the continuous chain of destructionwhich must be stopped’.

Belarusian outstanding sportsmen joined the campaign to invite men and women to break the silence and to show their concern to gender-based and domestic violence in Belarus.

In Belarus orange campaign is led by United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in partnership with UNDPUNICEFand IOM. The aim of the campaign is to raise public awareness to the problem of gender-based violence and domestic violence.