December 1, on the World AIDS Day, Belarus launched the World Campaign "Women, Girls, and HIV/AIDS." The aim of the Campaign is to reduce the vulnerability of women to HIV-infection, to strengthen the role of women in decision-making: to preserve one's health in the context of the HIV/AIDS epidemics.
Within the Campaign, it was planned to hold the following actions:
Starting from December 1, the television channels "BT," "Lad," and "NTV" broadcast the "Say No" video commercial. Girls and young women are the target audience. The commercial targets to form a proactive attitude in women in situations of decision-making. The same commercial is being broadcasted in the electronic advertisement panel (Oktiabrskaya Square). The respective posters appeared in the subway and educational institutions.
December 1, the Minsk State Children and Youth Palace hosted the Action "Jointly Against AIDS." The Action assumed a contest show of topical programmes by united teams of Minsk Districts, performances of laureates of international contests, and a discotheque. The Action was held with the help of the UN Office in the Republic of in Belarus, the State Institution "The National Centre for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health," the NGO "Positive Movement," and the Minsk State Children and Youth Palace.
In addition, December 1, the Belarusian State Economic University hosted the Action "Youth Against AIDS." It is an annual event dated to the World AIDS Day, which is held with participation of the most Minsk higher schools. This year, the Action was assisted by the UN Office in the Republic of Belarus, the SI "The National Centre for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health," the NGO "Positive Movement," and the Belarusian State Economic University.