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“Network for all” programme launched

“Network for all” programme launched


“Network for all” programme launched

calendar_today 08 October 2013

On 7 October 2013 the “Network for All” Programme was launched at the Territorial Centre for Social Services of Peršamaiski District in Minsk

The programme is implemented by the MTS mobile operator with the support from the Belarusian Association of Social Workers and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in the framework of the “University of the Third Age” project aiming to help elderly people acquire internet communication skills and promote up-to-date information technologies and useful online services among senior citizens.



“As of “As of today every fifth person living in Belarus has crossed the retirement age threshold. Numerous studies of the psychological aspects of senior citizens’ behavior demonstrate that it is exactly this age group that will see a considerable increase of internet users in the near future. But we also see the fear and lack of confidence that older people have toward information technologies, though they understand that the internet is convenient, fascinating, interesting and useful. The purpose of the “Network for All” educational project is to free course participants of their fear of computer technology and lift psychological barriers, reduce the digital gap between generations and make life easy for those who need it”, said Tatyana Kurbat, Head of the MTS PR Group.

During four months 350 representatives of the senior age group will be trained at four territorial centres (of Kastryčnicki, Frunzenski, Cantraĺny and Peršamaiski Districts).

Every class furnished with computers has been connected to the internet, and necessary training materials have been prepared.

“We strive to develop the potential of senior citizens by enabling active lifestyles even after retirement. When starting the project we wanted to establish ties between generations, and we were pleasantly surprised how well young Belarusians responded and helped implement the project.

With our “Network for All” programme different generations will be able to find common ground, where everyone would share their experience and teach each other”, said Siarhei Lisichonak, UNFPA Programme Associate


Thirty-two Belarusians came forward to act as trainers; these are students, MTS employees, representatives of the IT industry and even retired persons who have already mastered computer skills. All those who wished it attended a special training conducted by Russian specialists in teaching computer literacy and working with retired people.

The course will include basic computer skills for complete beginners, principles of working on the internet, communication through social media, as well the basics of using emails and most popular instant messengers. The volunteers will help retired people learn about additional possibilities of arranging payments and making appointments to see a doctor online. .

It is planned that the first class to graduate the “Network for All” Programme will finish the course mid-January 2014.